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IATA forecasts: "Aviation will recover strongly in 2022"


According to IATA, in the coming year, airlines in all regions of the world will record a recovery, even airlines in The North US are expected to be profitable. The business of the world aviation industry will gradually recover in 2022 after the great damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years.

In a report published on October 4 at the annual conference in Boston (USA), The International Air Transport Association (IATA) stated that the industry will gradually recover after the pandemic and the loss in the next year is expected to decline sharply.

The organization showed a loss figure of $11.6 billion in 2022, declined sharply compared to the expected figure of a loss of $51.8 billion in this year.




Previously, in the last April forecast, IATA said that the world aviation industry will lose about $47.7 billion in 2021. The loss of the aviation industry in 2020 is also adjusted by IATA to increase from 126, $4 billion to $137.7 billion.

According to IATA, in the coming year, airlines in all regions of the world will record a recovery, even airlines in the North US are forecast to be profitable.

However, the organization also urged the governments to maintain measures to support airlines until all international routes reopen.

IATA forecasts international travel demand will double in 2022 and reach 44% of 2019 levels - the time before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.

The organization emphasized that the rate of people getting vaccinated and that many countries lifted restrictive measures will be the two main factors that positively affect the recovery of the world aviation industry.

According to IATA, domestic air travel demand in 2022 is estimated to reach 93% of pre-pandemic levels, up 20% from this year's level.




IATA estimates the total amount of passengers is expected to increase from 2.3 billion in 2021 to 3.4 billion in the next year. Both of them are remarkably low compared to the 4.5 billion passengers recorded in 2019.

Airline ticket sales in 2020 are expected to grow 67% ( $378 billion). Meanwhile, the air freight industry is expected to always be a bright spot with the demand increasing 13.2% compared to 2019.

At the conference, representatives of airlines made a commitment to achieve the goal of neutralizing carbon emissions by 2050 in the context that the industry is stepping up efforts against climate change.


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